Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 3 Training Begins

I can't tell you how excited I am about you girls and your running!!!  You have no idea how much fun it is to share this passion of running with yall......and for yall to start getting the running bug too!!  SO FUN!!!!!  **I won't be the only crazy, running nut around this town!!! HAHA!

I am switching up things a bit this week due to a cold front and the weekend challenge.  I know several of yall got at least two good runs in this weekend.  Therefor, I want to make sure you have the appropriate recoop time.  Please look closely at Monday's Workout choices!  Pick the one that is best for you depending on where you are at training wise.

OPTION #1- If you have not ran at all this weekend, I ask that you run Kerfoot Road to at least Pike and back.  WALK/RECOVERY.....Then 800m SLOW on the track!!!

OPTION #2- If you ran this weekend at least 2 times, I ask that you run 10mins (no stopping), walk 2mins, run 6mins (no stopping), walk 2mins, run 4mins (no stopping), walk 2mins, run SLOW 2mins....walk 2mins.  (BECKY---do this on the treadmill when you are away)

OPTION 3#-For Beginners---Run/Walk for 30minutes.  Try to at least one lap at at time......

You can do this!!! You are doing this!!!!  I promise, it is worth it!!! :-).

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