Monday, January 28, 2013

Run Like The Wind......

Oh Girls!!! It's gonna be WINDY when we run this evening!!!  But the good news is that it will be warm and windy! 
Do you look like this when running DIRECTLY into the wind?
Today we will run KERFOOT ROAD again---but let's run the to the end of Kerfoot and back!  :-).  Yall can do it! Yall are all ready!  I am also considering doing FUNKY FIT tonight at 6:30pm if anyone wants to join me there, too?

Oh----and I thought it would be fun to share some of the random text that get sent out throughout the week....

First of about the SEXY WHITE LEGS CONTEST??

And how about these motivational text I received from Becky and Wendy in the last few days!!!! Yall are doing sooo awesome!!!

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