Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Determined to Get This.....

My first CrossFit Competition is just 18days away....and I am wondering what I got myself into! LOL!  I thought signing up to do the "scaled" version would be ideal for me, but now that the WODs are coming out..... I am scared out of my mind!!!!

Pull ups are hard for any crossfitter..... and I am just now getting them.  Toes to bar are no jock either, but those don't bother me too much.  So when WOD #1 was announced, we were all shocked to see that the "scaled version" of pullups were not scaled at all.  Instead, they have made it even more complicated by saying you must do Toes to Bar to PullUp.....and continue to cycle through it. OMG!!

Here is the first WOD:
Dynamic Duo Death Match WOD #1
For Time: (8 min cap)
9-7-5 of:
Toes to Bar/Chest to Bar
Then 9-7-5 of:
Power Snatches
Toes to Bar/Chest to Bar

Womens Scaled - 65# Thrusters and Power Snatches
*1 rep Men and Women Scaled = 1 Toes to Bar + 1 Chin Above Bar Pull-up

*Partner 1 completes 9 Thrusters while Partner 2 completes 9 T2B+C2B. When both Partners have completed reps they switch and Partner 1 completes 9 T2B+C2B while Partner 2 completes 9 Thrusters. Switch again and complete the round of 7 reps each, then 5 reps each. When 9-7-5 of Thrusters and T2B+C2B has been completed Teams will move on to 9-7-5 of Power Snatches and T2B+C2B.

I am not worried about anything but those toes to bar/pullups.
Here is what it is supposed to look like: Toes to Bar to Pull Up
Here is where I am at-----mind you, this is a huge improvement to where I was!! 
This should be interesting fun!!! I am praying I can cycle through these by the time it competition time.  ***FYI, this is only one WOD out of three we will do!! :-).
White Trash Practice Time on my Shed Bar!!!
 WOD #2 is actually gonna be a breeze for me.  I usually use 53lb Kettlebell for swings now and usually jump on 24inch box.  :-).
Dynamic Duo Death Match WOD #2
For Time: (14 min cap)
50-40-30-20-10 of:
KB Swings
Box Jumps
Double Unders

Womens Scaled - 35#KB - 20" Box

*One Partner working at a time.

*Box Jumps are NOT Games Standard - Hips do not have to open at all. Not on the box or in the air. Both feet start on the ground and both feet must touch the top of the box.

*Partner 1 completes all 50 KBS. Partner 2 completes all 50 Box Jumps. Partner 1 completes all 50 Double Unders. Partner 2 completes all 40 KBS. Partner 1 completes all 40 Box Jumps. Partner 2 completes all 40 Double Unders. Continue alternating until workout is completed or time cap has ended.

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