Monday, October 28, 2013

Slow It Down and SQUAT MOMMA!

Early last week I had some amazing runs for myself.  I also did well on my WODs, but by Thursday I was feeling the effects of doing a bit too much and maybe not eating enough to keep up the pace.  There is something that happens---maybe endorphins or maybe just my insanity or obsession with working out---that once you start to preform well, you just want to keep on going.  But the reality is....recovery and rest is just as important as eating clean and working out.  So Thursday I took the day off, but felt drained still come Friday.  But I didn't want to miss the benchmark WOD DT.  Can I just tell yall, I wished I would have missed it! The DT WOD sucked the life right out of me!!  It was 5 rounds of 12 deadlifts, 9 cleans, and 6 jerks.  I started out using 105lbs which was fine for the deadlift and jerks, but by round 3 I had to go down to 90lbs.  I was DRAINED!!!  I took the rest of the day off---no running at all!!
Saturday Morning Practice for Competition
Saturday morning came and I was a bit intimidated (and super sore from the DT WOD) to walk in a do a trial competition with all the Solus Competitiors.  And yall know my fear I have about these dang toes to bar to pullups I have going on.  As of right now, the other stuff is pretty easy for me, but not these T2B2PU.  But I was very encouraged after I left that practice, cos I was able to actually cycle through all the T2B2PUs---now I was slow and had to take a break but it was manageable!  :-).

My ONLY healthy meal this weekend!
Oh....and I must admit, I ate terrible on Saturday.  Yap, I ate true mexican food.  Chips, queso, taquitos, fajitas, and even a couple of nachos.  NOT GOOD!!!  I did eat well Sunday though....the picture above proves I did bounce back with eating clean the next day.

Today....I am feeling just a bit gross! Maybe it's the affects of having bad food this weekend and still needing more rest?  Or maybe I am fighting off being sick?  Not sure just yet....but gonna dial it down this week and start preparing for the competition.

OH---Totally off topic!!! But during the month of November, at CrossFit, we will be doing a back squat training cycle.  Today we had to do a one max rep and I was surprised and happy with myself.  I back squated 225lbs!!! I am so excited about that!!  But what's pretty scary is the workout that that number has left me to train with the next month??? YIKES!! Check it out...........
This looks mighty tough!!!  But hoping for a bigger back squat number in a month!!! :-)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Determined to Get This.....

My first CrossFit Competition is just 18days away....and I am wondering what I got myself into! LOL!  I thought signing up to do the "scaled" version would be ideal for me, but now that the WODs are coming out..... I am scared out of my mind!!!!

Pull ups are hard for any crossfitter..... and I am just now getting them.  Toes to bar are no jock either, but those don't bother me too much.  So when WOD #1 was announced, we were all shocked to see that the "scaled version" of pullups were not scaled at all.  Instead, they have made it even more complicated by saying you must do Toes to Bar to PullUp.....and continue to cycle through it. OMG!!

Here is the first WOD:
Dynamic Duo Death Match WOD #1
For Time: (8 min cap)
9-7-5 of:
Toes to Bar/Chest to Bar
Then 9-7-5 of:
Power Snatches
Toes to Bar/Chest to Bar

Womens Scaled - 65# Thrusters and Power Snatches
*1 rep Men and Women Scaled = 1 Toes to Bar + 1 Chin Above Bar Pull-up

*Partner 1 completes 9 Thrusters while Partner 2 completes 9 T2B+C2B. When both Partners have completed reps they switch and Partner 1 completes 9 T2B+C2B while Partner 2 completes 9 Thrusters. Switch again and complete the round of 7 reps each, then 5 reps each. When 9-7-5 of Thrusters and T2B+C2B has been completed Teams will move on to 9-7-5 of Power Snatches and T2B+C2B.

I am not worried about anything but those toes to bar/pullups.
Here is what it is supposed to look like: Toes to Bar to Pull Up
Here is where I am at-----mind you, this is a huge improvement to where I was!! 
This should be interesting fun!!! I am praying I can cycle through these by the time it competition time.  ***FYI, this is only one WOD out of three we will do!! :-).
White Trash Practice Time on my Shed Bar!!!
 WOD #2 is actually gonna be a breeze for me.  I usually use 53lb Kettlebell for swings now and usually jump on 24inch box.  :-).
Dynamic Duo Death Match WOD #2
For Time: (14 min cap)
50-40-30-20-10 of:
KB Swings
Box Jumps
Double Unders

Womens Scaled - 35#KB - 20" Box

*One Partner working at a time.

*Box Jumps are NOT Games Standard - Hips do not have to open at all. Not on the box or in the air. Both feet start on the ground and both feet must touch the top of the box.

*Partner 1 completes all 50 KBS. Partner 2 completes all 50 Box Jumps. Partner 1 completes all 50 Double Unders. Partner 2 completes all 40 KBS. Partner 1 completes all 40 Box Jumps. Partner 2 completes all 40 Double Unders. Continue alternating until workout is completed or time cap has ended.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Getting Stronger---and It's Making Me Faster!

I am so excited!  I just went on a Sunday run and was blown away at how great I felt, how strong I felt, and how fast I was. 
This is a super fast pace for me at this longer distance!! :-).
I usually run more like a 8:45 for a fast pace when I run anything over 5miles.  But today, I ran way faster than I ever had before for this long of a distance.  7.55miles in 1:02!!!!  I am shocked....cos I am not even tired or dead legged or winded at all!!  Nor was I trying to run hard or fast! I just wanted a nice Sunday afternoon run...nothing more, nothing less. 

***I am finally seeing the benefits of crossfit training (aka High Intensity Interval Training) and weight training as I truly believe it is making me a better athlete all around.  My body is finally changing.  And I am even getting faster, even though I have cut my weekly mileage in over half the last couple of months!!  LOVE THE PROGRESS!!

There is no doubt, I have been surprised with myself in the last couple of months of doing barbell training!  I am learning everyday that I have some natural "strongness" going on.  So much so that it makes me wonder why I am just now discovering this when I am almost too old to do much with it?? LOL. My coaches are shocked that I have never done any true weight training---other than conditioning in off season during my basketball and track days and random bootcamps (but no real barbell experience).

This past week I maxed out for the first time on my deadlifts and my squat cleans.  I got 275lbs on my deadlift and 125lbs on my squat cleans.  The funny thing is, I can actually lift a bit more than that....but it's my first time to learn some of these things and I am still learning the proper techniques and forms.  I actually have a new nickname---well actually new phrase that the coaches have come up for me----"That's terribly awesome!"  This meaning, I am apparently lifting a large amount of weight effortlessly but with some terrible form! HAHA!  (I have so much to learn when it comes to form.)

My bump is becoming a muscle!!! Watch out boys!!! *Love my SURPRISE FACE:-)
I am gonna get back on a strict eating schedule the next three weeks---to prepare for my first crossfit competition!!! COUNT DOWN is 20 days!!!! TWENTY DAYS!!!! OMG!!! I have got to get these pullups mastered!!! :-).

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tracking Todd

I don't know if any of you were following my hubby's blog....but if you were, you have probably noticed that he is NO-EXISTENT in the blogger world now.  But let me tell you, that doesn't mean he has stopped or quit his weight loss journey.  It just simply means he didn't have the time to blog about it.  He is however, still making huge progress. 

We did have a bit of a hard time getting back into the swing of things (or should I say eating clean) when we returned from DC.  But we were still doing very well.  Just not 100% clean.  After about a week, we seem to be back on track about 90% of the time.  I think Todd's only down fall right now is not actually taking the time to write down what he is eating.  I admit, I think he would be shock if he actually wrote it down. But he is following the "rules" on what to eat and how much.  He is down about 28lbs and his trainer measured him last week and he still is making progress in his numbers lost. 

His level of activity is so much different than it was when we started.  He can now workout without looking like he is hating every minute of it. He can workout for an hour or longer and sometimes twice a day:-).  He can jog a couple of miles with some walking breaks. And he even bought a mountain bike and biked 11miles at the GreenBelt last weekend--while I was at CrossFit Charity Event!  YAP!!! He is bringing it! I LOVE IT!!! :-).
His new ride!!!

Todd with his buddy, Mark at the Greenbelt

For me just looking at him-I can totally see that his stomach is starting to take on a new shape now.  And his man-boobs are almost non-existent!! :-).  ***We may have a FLAT CHEST CONTEST SOON!!! :-). 

Just this morning, he told me he felt good enough to up his cardio more here in the next couple of months.  So I bet I'll be posting more bike rides soon.  And hoping for a kayak trip at the Greenbelt soon, too!!!
Greenbelt trial--at Lake Ray Roberts

Monday, October 14, 2013

Local Charity Competition-CrossFit

This past weekend.... I step a little bit out of my comfort zone and did my first CrossFit Competition.  I admit, I was a bit intimidated about it all.  It wasn't a big competition.  But it was something I have NEVER thought I would actually do.  **But it was for a great cause, so WHY NOT, give it a try?

My crossfit family had a charity competition to raise money for a Sherman local woman who is fighting breast cancer.  In the years past, they have raised money and donated to the breast cancer foundation...but this year was the first time they had raised money for someone from the community.  It was really amazing to see everyone come out. It made the whole event more personable, too!

As for myself---I was a bit nervous......WHY
1) The coaches were bouncing my name back and forth for a couple of week on the white board to figure out which category to put me in.  Since I am fairly new at crossfit with the barbell....the scaled division is what most people start with.  But in the past few weeks, I have been doing some max reps with them and I have since found out that I am stronger than I ever thought I was---or for that matter, stronger than they thought I was too. 
2) But I lack the proper form and technique.  I can apparently lift a crazy amount of weight over my head.....but I don't do it pretty or correct! LOL! 
3) And of course, doing a WOD in front of everyone----mind you, while they are yelling CRAZY at you and for super intimidating! YIKES

Now grant you, this was not a REAL COMPETITION.  It was just a one WOD competition.  And the WOD choices were:
OTB scaled--- in 7mins, run a 300m and do as many ground to overhead with the kettlebell-18lbs 
OTB----in 7mins, run a 600m and do as many rounds as ground to overhead with kettlebell 35lbs
CrossFit Scaled--for time---30reps of clean and jerks with 75lbs or less
CrossFit--for time---30reps of clean and jerks with 95lbs

I ended up doing the 30 reps with 95lbs.  I did it in 7mins....but I know I could have been much faster IF I wouldn't had stopped to listen to what coaches were telling me on correcting my form (which wasn't terrible form---just not as effective and fast for me) and IF I was actually using the proper "cleaning" technique.  It took me right at 7mins to do 30 reps.  I would like to cut this in half and I know I can when I get the proper form down. 

I guess I think this is funny??

My faces crack me up! 

I admit---the weight wasn't all that hard for me---which is what alot of people struggle with.  I just struggle on the proper cleaning.  Apparently I use ALL arms to pull that barbell from the ground to overhead...which means I am wasting alot of unnecessary energy.  I need to be using my hips to clean--not my arms! I did much better on that today at workout class! I will get there!

****But one thing I enjoyed the most from this charity competition was judging the other competitors.  It was so fun to count reps and cheer on other CrossFit Solus friends.  I was able to cheer on people I attend class with.  I was able to judge and cheer on my former OTB CrossFit Coach.  And I was able to meet new CrossFit family that I had only known through facebook interaction.  It was so fun!!!  And very encouraging!

All in all, I am glad my first competition started here with my CrossFit family.  It was a blast and I learned a great deal. 

**But now, I have to get prepared for my first REAL COMPETITION which is less than a month away.  I'll be updating my blog with alot of my anxieties and workouts to prepare for this, in the next few weeks!


Monday, October 7, 2013

A Week in Runner's Heaven- Part 2

****Part 2 of our Washington DC trip.....  To see part one---CLICK HERE

We left off at our majestic SUITE!!! :-)

Todd had a busy couple of days after that. So I was able to do some research and find yet more running/biking trials. One day I ran 9miles, the next day I ran 4miles both along the Potomac River and over the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Because I had to accompany Todd for a few engagements these days, I couldn't be gone too long.
From Oxon Hill-Over Woodrow Wilson Bridge-to Mt Vernon Trial

However, Todd did have ONE very full day. I took this day to do a big run... I ran from the Gaylord into DC, which was a 14plus mile run. But I took my sweet time. Stopping and seeing sites along the way and enjoying it all. Once I made it to DC, I spent the next couple of hours seeing the landmarks during the daytime and also trying to find a bathroom that wasn't closed--like the government:-). Ha! Todd met me that evening and we had dinner and visited the Capitol, as we missed that landmark the first time!
My Trail----14miles into DC with another 4miles of walking the DC mall area!

Look!  I am holding the Washington Monument in my hands!

Our last day couldn't have been more perfect. Todd was off for the whole this was a day intended just for us. So we took a taxi into Old Alexandria. We rented two bikes and we biked 10miles down the Mt Vernon Trail to George Washington's Estate. The bike ride was awesome! Very scenic! Fall leaves falling all around us (a few acorns to our heads-ha) and winding around the Potomac River. Once we arrived we spend several hours touring the estate....which was super cool!! We saw and toured Washington's house, farm, and his tomb.  We also visited the museum there. We had a nice small lunch there, too. We rode our bikes back into to town. Yes, that's a 20mile bike ride altogether:-). I am super proud of my hubby for wanting to do that and for also doing it! He didn't struggle at all biking that far (only a few hills got him--but that's it!).
Mt Vernon Bike Trail --George Washington's Estate
Biker Mandy!!

Once we made it back to Old Alexandria town, we had a delicious dinner on the porch of Fish Market looking over the old streets of this old town.  Lobster, calamari, shrimp and local beer!! Yummy!! We took our time eating and people watching.  We finished our night with a short walk along the historical streets and down to the harbor where we took a fairy back to the Gaylord.
Almost a "clean" meal! :-).

We had an amazing day and evening!! This was definitely a date that tops my list!!!

All in all this trip was NOTHING like I had anticipated! With the weather being absolutely PERFECT with plenty to see and do, not to mention all the running trials...and of course time with Todd, this trip was definitely a favorite!!!
Me and my love:-).

I am so blessed! And ever so thankful!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Week in a Runner's Heaven- Part 1

I just had the most amazing week EVER!  And I'll be honest, I had no idea this trip was going to be this fun. In matter of a fact, I was bit afraid I would be stuck in a hotel doing lots of work and being a bit bored. But that is not at all how this trip went. (I probably should have gotten more work done than play. O well!)

Todd travels quite often and his company has a policy that you can not travel alone. This particular trip he had a couple of conferences he was attending and a few meeting he had to make that required only him to attend. With that being said, I was granted the opportunity to go, as well. *darn!

Again, not knowing what to expect, we arrived in Richmond, Virginia on Thursday. We were put up to stay two nights at the Omni. The room was very pleasant but I was more intrigued with the town itself. The weather was ideal! Lower 80s during day (no humidity and nice breeze off the James River) and lower 50s in the evening.
Richmond Virginia Running Trails

Todd had a meeting first I thought I would take the concierge's advice and find the running trail just by the James River. I had no idea this trial would be this nice. It was quite, lots of other runners and bikers out, the sounds of the river and the beautiful scenery of fall coming on. I even found this neat little isle (a park of some sort) that had hiking/running trials too. It was amazing!! And of course, I brought my hubby back on his "off" day to see the place--along with all the other historical sites Richmond had to over.

Belle Isle---neat hidden place off the trials!

On Saturday, Todd and I drove to Washington, DC and turned in our rental car.  We got to the Gaylord, just outside of DC. We were supposed to get just a nice big room...but they somehow upgraded us to an amazing suite. This suite was ridiculous!! :-). We had a living area, a dining area, and office area, a big master bedroom and big bathroom. It was AMAZING!

Living the GOOD LIFE!!!!

Saturday night, Todd and I met up with some IFL friends that were in from California for one of the conferences (Roger and Laurie). They had a perfect evening planned for us. We started the night off by going to a balcony bar that overlooked DC, just before sundown--Beautiful!! We then had an amazing dinner and spent the rest of the night touring DC at night! This was Todd's first time in DC and my first time to see DC all lit up at night! It was stunning! We had great conversations, they smoked cigars while walking the DC mall area, and we soaked the whole city in!!! We finished our night with some oysters and drinks with our friends before heading home at midnight.
Washington DC at night
Washington DC view before sunset on rooftop!!!

***More coming on this in the next blog post:-).