Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Running and Sick

So I took the whole weekend off....not by choice, but because it was IMPOSSIBLE to have time to run this weekend.  I was husbandless (Todd is out of town for the NRB Conference) and it was opening season for both my boys and baseball! 

And get this....both of my boys played 8am/10am games on Saturday morning but in two very distant places.  Zander was playing in Richardson and Gabe was playing in Trophy Club and Ft Worth (that's a flippin' haul).  Not only did we have to wake up at 5:15am and leave by 6am ON A SATURDAY MORNING, but it was also 28 degrees and windy! It was MISERABLE! It was BRUTAL!! And it kicked my butt!  I could have ran when I got home but it was only 40 and windy still....and to be honest, I was still frozen.

The boys had later games on Sunday.  But I also had church Sunday morning, so there was no time to fit in a run on Sunday.  The weather was much warmer, like the 60s, but the wind was NUTS!  After being at the ball fields from 3pm-9pm, I had more grass and more dirt on me and in my hair than you could imagine! YIKES!!
Love seeing the sun go down on a ballpark! 

And then Monday rolls around.  Yap, time to play catch up on the missed mileage.  And it was beautiful out.  It was 85 degrees.  I took off for a longer run and by mile 6, I was dying struggling! I could feel my body giving out.  I wasn't over doing it, but I could feel the "sick" coming on.  I was on the verge of a head cold.  I had no idea I could run and sneeze at the same time.  HA!  But I did, and I did alot.  
About Mile 4--Before my SNEEZING ATTACK!
I managed to finish with 9miles under my belt!  But it did me in!!!!  Needless to say, I got home, fed kids, bathed and was in bed by 8pm. And today I am working from home and not going to workout!  This momma needs some real rest!  I am upping my vitamin Cs and hope to be at it again by tomorrow or Thursday!!! 

In the meantime---it's cold outside again today:-(  Dang Texas weather!! HAHA

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