Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Boost???? How about WEIGHTS?

So I do more than just run!  But running is my true exercise love!!  However, I do like a variety of different workouts.  And one very IMPORTANT part of my training include weights!! And this is why????  Take a look a just a few reason why weight training is important you our health.....

1) Each muscle burns on an average of 50 calories a day whereas fat only burns about 8 calories:-(
2) Cardio burns more in the moment, but weight training keeps the burn going for up to 36 hours later---THAT'S AWESOME!!
3) Adding muscle WILL raise your metabolism.
4) Losing muscle instead of fat when you lose weight can cause you to plateau.

These are only a few good reasons why weight training is important. 

I am currently getting my weight training in at a local crossfit class.  Now grant it, it's not ALL WEIGHT TRAINING.....CrossFit is a strength and conditioning that combines weightlifting, sprinting, gymnastic, etc....  And you are always competing against yourself:-).

So today, I thought I would share some pictures from class.  And don't laugh----OUT LOUD!!! HA! We are a group a fit women in progress!!! :-).
Our warmup and our Workout Of the Day (WOD)

Go US!!!! We rock!!!  I am right in the middle! GOODNESS-Those curves:-( LOL

Some jump rope action!! Double Unders are getting easier!!! I did like 15 in a row!!!

Hope to get another shot of myself like this in 3 months and be SKINNY!!!!

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