Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Winter Weather Makes Me Hungry

Round TWO of Texas "Winter Weather" is coming in as we speak!!! Just a week ago we had our first real cold front of the year.  It is super early to have real "WINTER" weather here in Texas.  But I admit, I think its just media trying to get us to watch their television coverage! LOL!  We got some sleet out of it....and some cold air but that was about it! ***which is to be expected!

Last week was Thanksgiving, too.  I did GREAT getting some hard workouts in.  I even had a couple of days of two workouts!!!  However, my achilles is still hurting me only when running or I am biking more now than running for my cardio.  Biking isn't so bad cos Todd will do that with me.  But I do hate that it takes a whole lot more biking to burn the same calories I do running.   However, it is much better for me on my OLD joints and such! 

Back to Thanksgiving!  Well, I ate TERRIBLY!!!!  The only good news is I did stay at my 1775 calorie range....but I will not tell you what my macro counts were.  OMG!!! They were sooo off.  Let's just say, I ate alot of orange/coconut bundt cake and thanksgiving dressing!! I have NEVER liked dressing before, but my goodness, this dressing I had made was DELISH!!!! I also tend to stay away from GLUTEN products and eat as clean as possible...but from Thursday to Saturday, I did not do this.  And I almost took a pic of my nasty-constipated belly to prove my point.  I was miserable!!! I looked like I had a food/baby belly!!! LOL! Which also makes me realize---- I can not believe I used to eat like this ALL THE TIME (not just for a three days). 

I got back on track Sunday and started back to eating clean and drinking alot of water.  I have been back on track for four days......but guess what??? We have an ice storm heading our way.  Tomorrow, around mid-day, the weather is supposed to get pretty hazzardous!! ICE accummulations, maybe power outages, maybe snow???  Again, I still think this is all MEDIA trying to attract us to their programs, but it could be FOR REAL!!!  And if it is, I know my winter habits of will come back into play.....

If I get locked in my house due to an ice storm, I will want to walk to Dollar General and buy all the ice cream, chips, and cheese dips they have stocked.  I will buy Seven Up to make Seven and Seven drinks and may even buy a pack of rolos!!! UGH!! 

***I will not do this! I will not go to DG! I will not give in to WINTER WEATHER!!----but really I have to admit, I am seriously thinking I "deserve" one bad vice!!! RIGHT? So which will it be???

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