Sunday, December 8, 2013

What Do YOU Do When You Are Iced In?

It's just over 72hrs since we have been officially iced in.  And folks, this is crazy old and alot of ice.  Church was closed today and schools closed again tomorrow!! WOW
North Texas Highways are not travelable---PURE ICE!
 Texas is NOT used to this kind of weather! Schools first closed Friday, stores and gyms closed Saturday, and even church is closed on Sunday!  But so far, I have enjoyed every bit of being STUCK inside with my crazy family.  We have napped alot, eaten a heck of a lot, played tons of board and cards games, sled alot (using trash can lids and storage lids), and even did a little 4x4 driving (via our four wheeler).
Not even snow....Just a very THICK amount of ice!! Perfect for fast sledding!!!
 I admit, I stayed up late Thrusday and slept in Friday.  And then ALL day Friday, did nothing but sleep, eat, and watch TV.  I am not even sure I showered or brushed my teeth??? LOL

Saturday, I woke up and did two workouts and got back on that clean eating train!! I did two different workouts (pictured below).  I did the workout on the left except with a working set of back squats at 185#.  Then the pic on the right indicates my WOD time for doing 20 burpees, 21-15-9 air squats and push ups, and ending with 20 burpess.  This took me about a minute too long, as I was struggling on the pushups today:-(
We stayed up entirely too late Saturday night but enjoyed our Sunday morning at home.  We did lots more sledding and also bought whatever grocery items were left at DG today!!! I managed to get another good workout in today too..... HEAVY Lifting!!! :-).  I am starting to really love lifting weights, btw!!! I love feeling STRONG!!! **But missing my running:-(
Today's workout:
6mins elliptical warm up
Bench Press 5sets of 3 reps of 105#/45sec. planks
Push Press 5 sets of 4 reps of 95#/alternating ab exercises
Deadlifts 5 sets of 5reps at 185#/alternating lateral raises and hammerheads
Leg Extensions 5 sets of 10reps at 75#/wide grip pull downs
Leg Curls 5 sets of 8 reps at 55#/Tricep kickbacks
10mins of elliptical

Tomorrow is Monday---but not a typical Monday, as we are OFF OF SCHOOL AGAIN for these bad icy conditions.  I do think the sun comes out and we will start warming up I forsee school resuming Tuesday? We shall see!

I am gonna leave ya with more photos of our LOCK IN SITUATION!!! :-).
Addie with her friends Brooke and Alexis--- MAKEOVERS??? LOL

Not a successful attempt to pulling the trailer out.  We got stuck in the front yard.

Zander has read ALOT this weekend- THE HUNGER GAMES SERIES

Sunday's To Do List Accomplished!
This is how we got groceries:-). LOL

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