Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Israel Update

I can't believe it's been a month since I posted??? I have been away for two weeks in NYC and Israel...and then let's just be honest, I spent last week in recovery mode--recovering from jet lag, HA!

So how did I do on my trip as far as my clean eating and workouts were concerned?  Well I am happy to report that I did GREAT!!  I actually had a rough start though.  I had done a WOD that consisted of box jumps the Wednesday before leaving town in which I tripped up on the box (just barely).....and then Friday after two morning flights, my whole lower leg and foot began to swell like crazy (along with a fever too).  I had cellulititus (spelling); some form of a staph infection.  I had planned on running at Central Park in NYC that weekend....but that obviously didn't happen, as I had to make a trip to an Urgent Medical Center and get an ultrasound done to be cleared to fly overseas to Israel.  Luckly,  I was able to start on meds soon enough to bring the infection and swelling down in time to fly again.  It was scary....but all was good just 48hrs after starting meds.

Once I arrived in Israel, I was good.  I worked out every day....except for twice.  I even got to run along the Sea of Galilee one day, too.  I did a LOT of lifting in Israel.  Lots of heavy squats and all the olympic lifting.  I also did lots of v-up and knees to elbow abs, dips, and pistol (lots and lots of pistols).  I had some interesting experiences in the Israeli gym, too.  I was always the ONLY female and had lots of eyes on me and pointing being done.  It was quiet awkward, especially because I couldn't understand the Hebrew they were speaking.  I did, however, have one encounter where they asked me if I was a "State Professional Lifter" HAHA!  I wanted to say yes, but didn't!!!

I also had some fun on this trip and found some random places to do handstands!!!!  LOL!!! I had much better intentions of getting more pics but either forgot or it just didn't seem appropriate at the time.
New York City Handstand

Ruins of Beth Shan (where Saul's head was hung)

Ruins of Masada
It took us over 27hrs of flying and lay overs to get home.  Needless to say, I had no choice but to eat some nasty processed foods at the airport or in the planes.  But when I arrived home I was super happy to hit the ground running.  I immediately got back on track..........  KIND OF!!  I think I tried to bounce back to quick, that is.  Cos about 4 days into being back on Texas ground, I had yet to sleep more than 4hours a night and it was catching up.  Therefor by midweek I was tired, hungry, and even a bit sick.  I think I might have over estimated myself and jumped back into my normal routine too soon.  Needless to say, I had four days in which I had one cheat a day happening.  And I am pretty sure it had alot to do with the fact that I was just so tired!   I spent my weekend resting (in a baseball lounge chair) and had every morning to sleep in.  I did do SOME JOGGING, but nothing intense or too crazy.  By this past Monday I found myself back to normal.  I am rested now and 100% back on track with my eating!!!  I feel great this week!!!

I got some fun news to share in my next post!!! So please stay tuned!  Hoping to post it later today!!! :-).

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