Monday, November 4, 2013

Busy Week and lots of other RaNDoMness!!!!!

I must be getting older cos last week just about wore me out! HA!  I did start my week off feeling a bit punny....and I must have had a touch of "something" because both Addie and Todd got sick shortly afterwards.  But by Tuesday I was feeling my normal 100%.

I finally got back on track with my eating clean again---for the most part (95%).  But I did have an absolute hissy fit with Todd one day.  He hasn't been eating clean---just keeping his calories in check, and I know he has definitely been eating out more.  He isn't doing bad but he also isn't doing as well as he had been.  AND he had promised me he would get serious for these two weeks prior to my first CrossFit Competition to help ensure I stay on track too.

Well, he kept doing small cheats but on the day he got sick....I almost strangled him!  I came home and he had GONE TO DOLLAR GENERAL for Sprite, Pizza Pocket and Chip!! @#&@*&^@*  Yap, I was MAD! It wasn't like I didn't have healthy food ready for him, cos I did. I had left over crockpot chicken, tuna salad, and crockpot beans all ready.  His excuse was he was sick! Which I just about went psycho and immediately told him that being sick was even more the reason to eat even healthier! I am not lying, I was one mad momma!! I mean MAD!  Poor guy!!! He is back on track now....but not sure if it's because I scared the poo out of him or if thinks I am crazy! HA!

So the rest of our week was super busy!  It was super fun, though....  Wednesday night was spirit night at IMPACT 252 at Grace Bible Fellowship and then Thursday night we hosted our annual Happy HalloWEENIES at our house and handed out over 500 hot dogs to families that were trick or treating down our street!!!
IMPACT 252 Spirit Night---yes, my youngest wore his undies on the outside of this pants:-)

Happy Halloweenies at my house
I absolutely LOVE Halloween! I love the change in the seasons, the dressing up, the feel of "family and friends".  Just love it!!! And I will always treasure our little neighborhood/culdesac street where alot of the community comes to trick or treat!
**A little side note--- I did pretty well with my eating on Halloween.  I started off with 2 wieners-all beef (no buns) and had saved two small MILK DUD candies for later.  I had hid those behind the music player.  Later that night, I went to reward myself for not eating candy or buns by eating those two MILK DUDS...and guess what?? SOMEONE STOLE THEM!  I was sad, depressed, and HUNGRY!! LOL!  I then ate two more wieners---no buns.  But let me tell you, at 3am, I had decided that wieners needed to no longer exist in my diet (if you know what I mean). HA!  Lesson learned.  But at least it wasn't pounds of candy!!!

Cuddling with my Hottie
Friday night, we took the family to the football game (the game of the season).  We lost to a really good team, but I sure did have fun cuddling close with my honey and cheering on my school!!! Love my hometown!!!

Saturday Bike Ride--10miles

My little tiger played great
Saturday, I got up and got a 10mile bike ride in and some weights at the house done....and then went to cheer on my #00 at his playoff football game.  He played AMAZING!! ** He gets his speed and strength from me....or at least that's what I tell him! HA!!

Sunday was also Zander was a guest player for a former baseball team of his.  We weren't too excited about giving another day up for sports and all....but after the day was done, we were very happy that Zander ended up playing. He played amazing baseball.  He went 100% at bat and was truly pounding the ball.  He was just shy of a centerfield homerun, too! (Yes, he gets that from me, too.  Lucky kids!- HA).  He played great defense at 3rd, short, and first base!!! And his team ended up winning the tournament!

It was a fun, fun week....but busy.  I am very much looking foward to a slower paced week this week!!!

And did I mention the CrossFit Competition is just 5 days away!!! WHAT? WHAT?!!!! Ready or not!!!

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